AT&T suspends pre-order sales of iPhone 4


US wireless communications holding company on Wednesday stated that it suspending pre-ordering for the iPhone 4.

Reportedly, the iPhone 4 pre-order sales by AT&T on 15 June 2010 were 10-times higher than the first day of pre-ordering for the iPhone 3G S last year.

The company said that given this unprecedented demand and its current expectations for its iPhone 4 inventory levels when the device is available on 24 June 2010, it is suspending pre-ordering in order to fulfil the orders already received.

Also, the availability of additional inventory will determine if AT&T can resume taking pre-orders.

In addition to unprecedented pre-order sales, there were reportedly over 13 million visits to AT&T's website on Wednesday, as customers checked to see if they are eligible to upgrade to a new phone. This was reportedly three times higher than the previous record for eligibility upgrade checks in one day.

AT&T said that it is working hard to bring iPhone 4 to as many of its customers as soon as possible.

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